Friday, 30 September 2011

National Bank of Pakistan (Chapter-5)

Section operation in NBP
5.1 Deposit\withdraw section:

This section is mainly concerned with the following areas:
1. Opening of account
2. Maintaining of accounts
3. Incoming transfer of cheque
4. Verification of Signature
5. Issuance of Cheque Books
6. Incoming transfers of money
5.2 Advances Sections:
This section is mainly concerned with the following Loans
2. Saiban
3. Computer Finance
4. Motor Car Finance
5. House building finance
6. Advanced Salary
7. Gold Finance
8. Running Finance
5.3 Cash section:
1. Management of Cash
2. Maintains Balance Between Liquidity and Profitability
3. Keeping Safe custody of cash and gold ornaments
4. Transfer of Money to different branches and other banks
5. Maintenance of Chest Books

5.4 Govt. Section:

This section is mainly concerned with the following  areas:
1. Management of Govt. Transaction
2. Govt. Cheques
3. Pension payment and maintaining their record
4. Billing
5!5 Foreign Currency:
This section transfers money with the. Help of western union money transfer.. This section is mainly concerned with the following areas:
1. Deposits in Foreign Currency
2. Transfer of foreign currency
5.6 Transfer Section:
This section is mainly concerned with the following areas:
1. Drafts preparation and collection
2. Traveler Cheques
3. Mail Transfer & Telegraphic Transfer
5.7 Recovery section:
This section includes loan recovery officers, which are responsible for collecting outstanding loans. In case the party is not going to repay their outstanding loans then the case is taken to the’ court. And some times the property of the defaulter is sold for the sake of collection of the loan.
5.8 Establishment:
This section is mainly concerned with, the inside establish mental issues of the bank
1. Transactions management
2. Preparation of income statement
3. Preparation of Balance Sheet
4. Recording and marinating Charges Register

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