Sunday, 13 November 2011

KIM's Biscuits (Project)





The history of the company shows that the reasons of the problem are lot much.
The major reason is to depend completely on one person. Unequal distribution of work is another one. Due to the lack of Advertisement Company product name has been washed from the minds of customers. Distributor is another step, which can increase the sale, but the area manager did not visit the market form the long time.



Priority Action 1:        New energetic and experienced Sales Manager should be appointed.
 Priority Action 2:         Improve the working envoirement of the company, make it so attractive the worker may became satisfied.
Priority Action 3:          Serve the consumer, it is the key element for the success,so
 focus on customer demand

Priority Action 4:         Assigne equal responsibility and parallel authority.
Priority Action5 :         Optimize and renewal of the wage structure to improve worker                             

PriorityAction6 :         Appoint skilled marketing manager to improve the advertisement
                                    and to build the goodwill of the company once again.


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