Sunday, 13 November 2011

KIM's Biscuits (Project)


  1. First, globalization, new technologies, and deregulation have created an environment that is increasingly complex and unstable. Second, and partly in response 79
  2. to the first set of factors, the new employment contract is often associated with new organizational forms such as networks, flexible specialization, or “virtual” organizations.
  3.  In many cases, the new organizational forms directly affect the employment contract, as when employers increase hiring of temporary or contract employees.
  4. The employment contract can only influence organizational change if the contract affects outcomes that employers care about. In fact, substantial evidence and theory suggests that employees perceptions of fair treatment can have large effects on the organization (Barnard, 1938; Blau, 1964; Gouldner, 1954). To consider a single channel, numerous studies have found that organizational citizenship behavior (OCB, Organ, 1988) 98
  5. is higher when employees perceive more fairness, especially procedural justice (e.g. Farh 99
  6. Et al., 1990; Konovsky and Pugh, 1994; Moorman, 1991). 100
  7. Psychological Contracts in Organizations, Rousseau (1995)
  8. Kruse and Joseph (1998, p. 22)
  9. present survey evidence that in 1995 190
  10. lower trust in their employer in 1997 than in 1989 (Kruse and
  11. Joseph, 1998, p. 22–23). 193
  12. Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler performed their survey between May 1984 and July
  13. 1985 217
  14. Levine (1993); Piron and Luis (1995); Rabin (1993).
  15. Academy of Management Executive, 1996. Special Issue on Careers in the 21st Century.
  16. Adams, J.S., 1963. Toward an understanding of inequity. Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology 67, 302–320. 394
  17. Annable, J., 1997. Insecure executives make the economy grow. The Wall Street Journal. 395
  18. Barnard, C., 1938. The Functions of the Executive. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. 396
  19. Belman, D., Levine, D.I., 1999. Have internal labor marketwage structures declined in large employers? University Of California, Mimeo. 398
  20. Blau, P.M., 1964. Exchange and Power in Social Life. Wiley, New York. 399
  21. Burack, E.H., Singh, R.P., 1995. The new employment relations compact. Human Resource Planning 18 (1), 400
  22. 12–19. 401
  23. Cappelli, P., et al., 1997. Change at Work. Oxford University Press, New York. 402
  24. Cashman, K., Feldman, J., 1995. Reengineering the employment contract. Executive Excellence 12 (2), 15–16. 403
  25. Charness, G.B., Levine, D.I., 1999. When are layoffs acceptable? Evidence from a quasi-experiment. University of California, Mimeo (forthcoming in Industrial and Labor Relations Review). 405
  26. Cowherd, D.,Levine, D.I., 1992. Product quality and pay equity between low-level employees and top management: 406
  27. An investigation of distributive justice theory. Administrative Science Quarterly 37 (2), 302–320. 407
  28. Doeringer, P., Michael P., 1971. Internal Labor Markets and Manpower Analysis. Heath Lexington Books, 408
  29. Lexington, MA. 409
  30. Dornstein, M., 1991. Conceptions of Fair Pay: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Research. Praeger Press, 410
  31. New York. 411
  32. Farber, H., 1995. Are lifetime jobs disappearing? Job duration in the United States: 1973–1993. NBER Working 412
  33. Paper No. 5014. 413
  34. Neumark, D., Daniel, P., Daniel, H., 1997. Has job stability declined yet? New evidence for the 1990s. NBER 454
  35. Working Paper No. 6330. 455
  36. Organ, D.W., 1988. Organizational citizenship behavior: the good soldier syndrome. DC Heath, Lexington, MA. 456
  37. O’Shaughnessy, K.C., Levine, D.I., Peter, C., 1999. Changes in managerial pay structures 1986–1992. Working 457
  38. Paper No. 67B, Institute of Industrial Relations, UC Berkeley. 458
  39. Piron, R., Luis, F., 1995. Are fairness constraints on profit seeking important. Journal of Economic Psychology 459
16, 73–96. 460
Podsakoff, P.M., Michael, A., Scott, B.M., 1997. Organizational citizenship behavior and the quantity and quality 461
of work group performance. Journal of Applied Psychology 82 (2), 262–270. 462
Rabin, M., 1993. 463

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