Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Project Proposal


As we are going to prepare ourselves for a project given to us, our project will be based on "K&N’S". For the completeness of our project we have to perform some precious activities.

We will perform the following activities:

Ø     Type of organization or business.
Ø     Management.
Ø     Business perspectives, business objectives.
Ø     Problems of business.
Ø     Ownership.
Ø     Concept of marketing:
ü     Marketing functions (product, distribution, price, promotion, marketing, people, place etc planning).
ü     Performers.
ü     Marketing activities
o       Advertising.
o       Sales promotion.
o       Personal selling.
o       Public relation.
o       Online marketing.
o       Direct selling.

As these are the activities concerned with the sketch of the project, now the activities to be performed for inner body of project will be:
Ø     Communicating with the information provider and also the communication system of the organization, i-e with in the organization as well as outside the organization.

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