Monday, 10 October 2011

Child Labour (Research report) Biblography

¨      Author, Kouthians, Econometric. 2nd Edition. P. 273.
¨      Author, Qurat-ul-Ain Sadozai, “An article facts of child poverty”. The News International, Monday, July 3, 2000.
¨      Encyclopedia of American, volume 6, P. 464.
¨      George, lvy, “Child labour and child work” Ashih publishing house, New Delhi.
¨      Hirway Indira, Jacquic Cottyn, Pashkar Paudya. 1991, “Towards eradication of child labour”, Moham for exford and IBH publishing co.pvt. Ltd.
¨      Khan, Ameena, “Children not nukes, are saneness”, The Frontier Post, March 28, 2000.
¨      Rati, R.N. 1991., “Rehabilitation of childlabour in India “Ashish publishing house, New Delhi.
¨      Thesis on Socio Economic causes of child labour in tailoring shops, submitting by Akhter Ali., M.A. Social Work, Session 1996, 98.

interview schedule
Name:  ____________________
Age:    ____________________
Location: _________________
1)                  What is the type of your family?
a) Nuclear                    b) Joint                        c) Extended
2)                  Total number of your family members?
a) 1-5               b) 6-10             c) 11-15
d) 16-20          e) 21-above
socio-economic causes
3)                  Are your parents alive?
a) Yes              b) No
4)                  If no then.
a) Both have died                   b) Mother died
c) Father died
5)         If father is not alive then who support the family?
            a) Uncle                                   b) Elder brother
c) Brother in law                     d) Any other
6)         Your father educational status.
            a) Educated                 b) Uneducated
7)         If educated then specify?
            a) Primary                    b) Middle                    c) Matric                     
d) Above Matric         e) Any other
8)         Mother educational status.
            a) Educated                 b) Uneducated
9)         If educated then specify?
            a) Primary                    b) Middle        c) Matric
            d) Above Matric         e) Any other
10)       Your educational qualification?
            a) Literate                    b) Illiterate
            If literate explain?
            a) Primary                    b) Matric
11)       At present do you attend school?
            a) Yes              b) No
12)       If no give reason for leaving?
a)      You were not interest.
b)      Parents were not interest.
c)      Parents could not afford tuition fee.
d)     Beating by teacher.
e)      Any other / either.
13)       Do your father works?
            a) Yes              b) No

14)       If no why?
            a) He is ill                    b) Lazy                        c) Drug addicated
15)       Does your mother do any job?
            a) Yes              b) No
16)       Working members in your family.
            a) Total                        b) Adults                     c) Boys (Above 18 years)
            d) Girls (Above 18 years)
17)       Monthly income of your family?
            a) Less than Rs. 1000  b) 1001 – 2002
            c) 2001 – 3001                        d) 3001 – above
18)       Are you satisfied with your economic conditions?
            a) Yes              b) No
19)       Are you satisfied with your living conditions?
            a) Yes              b) No
20)       Do you think that absence of earning member in your family leads you towards childlabour?
            a) Yes              b) No
21)       Did you join this job because your parent wanted so?
            a) Yes              b) No
22)       When you do not go to work, they how your parents treat you?
            a) Beat me                   b) Exit from home                   c) Any other

23)       When you do not give them money, then what happen?
            a) Punish me                b) Donot punish                      c) Any other
24)       Do your parents making difference between you and your other brothers?
            a) Yes              b) No
25)       How your parent consider childlabour?
            a) Good                       b) Bad
26)       Do you think that your income can support your family?
            a) Yes              b) No
27)       If yes then to what extent?
            a) To some extent                    b) To greater extent
Boss Attitude
28)       How is your boss?
            a) Cooperative             b) Non cooperative
29)       Does your boss provides you health facilities?
            a) Yes              b) No
30)       Does he give you leave with pay when you become ill.
            a) Yes              b) No
31)       Did he give you permission for rest?
            a) Yes              b) No
32)       Did he give you extra reward of your work?
            a) Yes              b) No

33)       Did he really skill transferring in you?
            a) Yes              b) No
34)       Does your boss beat you when you make any mistake?
            a) Yes              b) No
35)       Do you know that child labour affecting your health?
            a) Yes              b) No
36)       If yes, then why?
a)      Due to long hours of working.
b)      Working in unfavourable conditions.
c)      Any other.
37)       Did this affect your studies?
            a) Yes              b) No
38)       Do you know that child labour is not permitted in the law of Pakistan?
            a) Yes              b) No
child attitude
39)       Are you satisfied with this job?
            a) Yes              b) No
40)       How long you are working here?
a)      Less than one year
b)      1 – 2 years
c)      2 – 3 years
d)     3 and above
41)       For how long you are working during a day?
            a) 1- 5 hours                b) 5 – 10 hours                        c) 10 and above
42)       Do you work on, what basis?
            a) Monthly wage                     b) Weekly wage          c) Daily wage
            d) Irregular wage                    e) No wage
43)       How much do u earn monthly?
            a) Less than Rs. 200                b) 200 to 400
            c) 400 to 600                           d) 600 above
44)       Are you satisfied with ur earning?
            a) Yes              b) No
45)       What is the attitude of your colleagues?
            a) Co-operative                       b) Non-cooperative
46)       Are u satisfied with ur environment?
            a) Yes              b) No
47)       What do u think about ur job?
            a) Easy                        b) Difficult                  c) Tiring
48)       Are u in favour of child labour?
            a) Yes              b) No
49)       If u do not like child labour, can you give some suggestion to stop child labour?
            a) ___________          b) ___________          c) ___________
            d) ___________          e) ___________
50)       Personal observations.
            a) ___________          b) ___________          c) ___________
            d) ___________          e) ___________          f) ___________
            g) ___________          h) ___________          i) ___________
            j) ___________           k) ___________          l) ___________

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