Monday, 17 October 2011

Project Business Ethics

File a complaint with FTC, BBB or your Congressman:
Write to your Congressmen & Senators about protecting your privacy!
Currently only two states, California & Washington have strong state privacy laws, unfortunately, the lobbing groups are fighting hard to get them over turned and sadly we only have limited regulations on a national level. Our rights to privacy and our rights to protect our personal information are slowly eroding. It is a sad reality that in the United States a Drug Abuser has more rights to privacy than the average US Citizen who uses a computer. It is up to all of us to voice our concerns about the flood of personal information that is being gathered, bartered, sold and shared.
The only way to get the laws changed and strengthened is if we speak up as loudly as possible to our government officials. Rep. Mary Bono is sponsoring a bill to restrict the use and scope of spyware and adware programs. Please write to your congressmen to let them know that we want stronger privacy protections. This is especially true if you feel that you had adware and spyware programs installed onto your computer without full and proper disclosure of what was being installed.
These laws will not get passed unless the American Public strongly supports these legislation's. In the past there have been other attempts to pass new bills to protect and strengthen our rights to privacy. In 2002 Senators John Edwards, Ernest Hollings & Representative Cliff Stearn had also attempted to get new legislation passed. Their bill appears to have languished and died on the floor.
You can use the links below to look up and directly email your Senators or Congressman to let them know how you feel about your privacy rights being exploited and express your views about our need to have stronger privacy regulations.

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