Monday, 10 October 2011

Insurance Companies (Research report)

“Insurance Companies” to identify problems of insurance companies, which they are facing, and then to identify reasons for those problems.

Name ------------------------------


  1. Gender

a)    Male
b)    Female

  1. your age

a)    (20-30)
b)    (31-35)
c)    (36-45)
d)    (45 and above)

  1. Do you have any vehicle/vehicles?

a)    Yes           
b)    No
(If yes go to Q. no.5 otherwise read Q. no. 4)

  1. Did you had any vehicle in past (if yes), did you insured it?

a)    Yes   (if yes go to Q. no. 6)
b)    No    (if no go to Q. No. 11)

  1. Please specify.

Private “or”
Insured “Or” Not insured



                   If not insured (please go to question # 11)          

  1. From which company you insured it?


  1. How did you get information about that company?
a)    News paper
b)    Pamphlets
c)    Agents
d)    Other policy holders  
e)    Any other (please specify) -------------------------------

  1. What benefits are you experiencing nowadays or experienced from that company?

9.    How will you express your level of satisfaction from that company?
a)    High satisfied     
b)    Satisfied    
c)    Neutral     
d)    Dis-satisfied       
e)    Highly Dis-satisfied

  1. Do you know the other companies, which are offering insurance?
     (Mark as many as you know)
a)    New Hampshire
b)    Askari
c)    State Life
d)    Adam Jee
e)    EFU
f)      Any other

  1. Why you did not get your vehicle insured?

a)    Don’t know about any insurance company
b)    I already have a bad experience from a company
c)    I don’t think, it’s necessary
d)    Somebody told me about his bad experience
e)    I don’t think it is right according to Islam
f)       Charges are very high         

                                                                                    Thanks for cooperation


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