Thursday, 20 October 2011

TAPAL TEA (Private Limited) Project


Mr. Faizullah A. Tapal
Mr. Aftab F. Tapal
Managing Director
Mr. Y. H. Thara
Executive Director
Mr. Mohammadi Miabhoy
Resident Director (North)
Mr. S. M. Mushir
G.M. Operations
Mr. Mehmood Nanji
G.M. Sales & Marketing
Mr. Mohsin Saify
G.M. Tea

Maximum 300 hundred employees work in Tapal tea company.   
Tea is a crop of wide adaptability and grows in a varying range of climates and soils in various parts of the world. Commercial tea plantation Is founded as far north Georgia and as far south as Argentina at altitudes ranging from sea level in japan to more than 2000m in Kenya. However the following factors of tea plantation must be ensured before any decision of its commercial plantation is made;
1.      Climate. Annual rainfall above 1000mm.
                          Air temperature: 12c - 30c.
2.      Soil. Ph value ranging from 4.5 to 6.5.
3.      Labour. Cheap and adequate.
Tea plants takes 3 to 4 years before it comes into production, once established, it remain productive fro well over 80 to 100 years. In addition to this, the crop has several other important attractions as compared to other traditional crops.
1.      It is highly remunerative crop and no major cash crop in the world can compete it in net-return per unit area.
2.      Being a highly labour intensive, it generates a lot of employment opportunities for rural folk.
3.      Covering the ground vegetatively it provides protection against soil erosion.
4.       It brings culturable waste land under productive use.
5.       After processing it provides the world s cheapest form of beverage.
6.      Being a non-palatable crop to animals, it requires minimum care and protection against grazing animals.

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