Wednesday, 19 October 2011

United Bank Limited (Project)

Conclusions and Suggestion

                                    From our above observation we have observed that interest rate that UBL take from its customer is very high due to that reason less advances are take place in that specific area. Secondly the mortgage rate is also very high that affects negatively the advances loan of the UBL limited. Third minimum amount that united bank-limited offer is very high for that specific area that is minimum amounts 1000000. This is not a industrial area so it has a negative impact on the united bank limited. 
The interest rate and mortgage is responsible for creating problem for UBL in our projects. We know that population is district Mansehra is belonged to poor and middle class.they are not able to pay heavy interest rate and nor able to deposits heavy mortgage in the bank. Majority of the people have small business in this area and their monthly income is not high to pay such a interest rate and deposit such high mortgage rate in the Bank, and in this area many people take loan for non business purpose such as building house, making marriage.
So bank should reconsider his policy according to income of people in this should decrease  his  interest rate and  mortgage rate for doing good  business in the area.

1.       Uma (2000),business research methods ,Hermitage publishing press ,prentice hall

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