Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Al-Falah Bank Limited (Internship report) Chapter-1



Introduction of Report
This introduction is regarding to report, which consists of Background of study, Purpose of Study, Scope of Study, Methodology of Research and Scheme of Report.

Background of Study:
Hazara University requires its student of business administration to undergo an eight week internship program. Selection of organization depends upon the interest of the student as well as the field of specialization. This eight week practical experience is then documented in the written form known as the “internship report” which is based on theoretical and practical learning of the internee. This report is about Bank Alfalah Limited F/10 Islamabad Branch. This foreign bank has given an international dimension to banking in Pakistan. They provide new and improved customer service, facilities and also mobilize the foreign investment.

Purpose of Study:
The purpose of this study is to review and analyze the functions being performed by the BAF F/10 Islamabad Branch.This study will help the reader to known about the insight story and operational efficiency of the organization.

Scope of Study:
BAF has several branches in Islamabad and this study is limited to the functions being performed in theF10 Islamabad Branch. However, the financial analysis is based on the whole bank because data gather from annual reports and the personnel manual of the bank.

Methodology of Research:
The method for data collection is central theme of the study. No study is completed without using the scientific and systematic ways to get latest knowledge about the study. So the methodology for data collection is based on the traditional categories i.e.
Primary data collection and
Secondary data collection.
In primary data collection I used the techniques of:
·         Personal observation.
·         Briefing and discussion during the internship with the officers of different departments.
·         Unstructured interview technique is also used when I faced any problem during the work.

In secondary data collection method I got information from:
·         Working manual issued by the Head office to the branches in different department’s e.g. foreign exchange manual etc.
·         Annual reports from 2004 to 2007.
·         Brochures for information to customers.
·         Pamphlets.
·         Inter-Bank office memos.
·         Banking journals.
·         Newspapers and magazines.

Scheme of Report:
This internship report is broadly divided in four sections with the number of chapters required in each section. The brief of each chapter is as follows:
i.            INTRODUCTION OF REPORT” is divided into different topics which include: The Background of Study, Purpose of Study, Scope of Work, and Methodology of Research.
ii.            INTRODUCTION TO BANK ALFALH LTD” is about the brief history of banking sector in Pakistan and then specifically in NWFP. Then, background history of BAF, Banks Mission, Vision and Corporate Goals and strategic Objectives are discussed under the shelter of this chapter.
iii.            ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE” discusses the organizational setup in BAF and brief about branch network of bank.
iv.            “BAF F10 Islamabad Branch.” highlights the departmentalization in F10 Islamabad Branch. And then each department is discussed in detail about its functioning and working which include: Deposit department, Account department, Remittances department, Credit department and Trade Finance department.
v.            FINANCIAL ANLYSIS” discusses the financial aspects of the bank as a whole, which include computation of various critical ratios and their interpretation as well as the financial highlights from previous years of the bank.
vi.            “ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS” highlights the various critical aspects of the branch, which include: Administrative Analysis, Personnel Management Analysis and Functional Analysis.
vii.            “RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTION PLAN TO BANK” is about to suggestions and for further improvement of the bank performance, which are both in qualitative and quantitative terms and also implementation plan for some quantitative recommendations.

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