Monday, 3 October 2011

The Bank of Khyber (Internship report) Chapter-1

Introduction of report
Background of study
Department of management sciences requires it’s students of MBA Finance to undergo a 8 weeks internship program Selection of organization depends upon SBP and the students field of specialization. The 8 weeks practical experience is then documented in the written form known as “Internship report”, based on theoretical and practical learning of the internee. This report is about The Bank of Khyber Mingora Branch.. They provide new and improved customer services facilities also mobilize the foreign investment.
Purpose of study
The main essence of the study is to get the over all information and practicing within the organization to get some know how about the practical work.
As the branch day to day operation are different so the analysis were taken on long term to show the earning capacity and financial position financial statement of different years have been analyze.
 This study will help the reader to know about the insight story and operational efficiency of the organization.
Scope of study
The study conveys the description of the various departmental functions at the branch.
And the analysis is done from both managerial and operational perspective SWOT analysis has been conducted based on both internal and external environment in this report I have focused on the following departments of BOK Mingora Branch.

o       Deposit Department

  • Remittances department
  • Cash department
  • Advances department

I have tried to give some suggestion to further improve the performance and efficiency of the selected functional department of the banks.

The time given for this research is considerably short for collecting data on large scale. The availability of professionals in the field was also limited and collecting data about the branch providing service to 5 districts was very tough and hard. Though a great deal of personal efforts have been made to over come, all the difficulties, in order to make it a productive study. 
Methodology of research
The method for data collection is central theme of the study. Now study is completed without using the scientific ways to get latest knowledge about the study. So the methodology for data collection is based on the traditional categories i.e.
Primary data collection
Secondary data collection
“Primary data are the new data gathered specifically for the project at hand” .It is a form of personal observation. It is the most original data and has not undergone any sort of statistical treatment. It is the data collected for the first time is called primary data
·         Interviews:
 For the collection of primary data I interviewed the sample of 50 persons through a structured questionnaire. The sample consist of existing customers of the bank as well as new customers who came for the first time to do business with the bank.
  • Observations:
I have observed personally the overall working environments, methods, and procedures of micro finance loans in BOK Mingora branch and observed what difficulties peoples are facing.
Secondary Data
It is the available data or the data already gathered for some other purpose. The secondary data, which I obtained, is from IM/sciences library, reports, and limited number of micro finance professionals and present clients were included as a sample for filling out questionnaire.
Table and figures are used where necessary, for making report easy to comprehend for readers. The following sources are also used for secondary data.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  • Annual Reports of BOK.
·         Manuals.
  • Brochures.
  • Web sites.
  • Reference books

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