Thursday, 6 October 2011

PakNet (Internship report) Chapter-5

Chapter 5
·         Marketing Department
·         Objectives of Marketing Department
·         Responsibilities of Marketing Department
·         4’Ps
·         Product and Services
·         Price
·         Place
·         Promotion
·         Communication Skills
Marketing department play a very important role in the functioning of Paknet Ltd.
“Marketing is a total system of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want satisfying products ,services& ideas to target market to achieve organizational goals” In marketing.
·         The emphasis on the consumer needs
·         Companies first determine customer need and then figures out how to satisfy their needs.
·         Management is profit oriented not sales oriented.
·         Planning is long run oriented.
Marketing section acts like a bridge between Paknet and customers. There are different types of people in the market, they differ from each other many respect like opinion, personally, habits, est. so to convince all of them with the same method or mean is not an easy task. That why marketing section uses personal selling method. And Direct selling method to convince each one in the market. As I have said the Paknet has divided its markets in to some groups. Large group that is government sector. Medium and small enterprises and a simple user of internet.
·         As the company is basically a internet and IT solution provider and a Marketing Company .and the main objective is to promote the product by using different techniques.
·         To solve the consumer’s need and offer them total solution.
·         Search the potential customers from the Market and qulify them.
·         To prepare different plans and strategies.
·         To increase revenue generation in order to increase profit.
·         To capitalize on strength of deprtment against weakness of and threat to the organization.
Provide standardize internet services to consumer at the right cost.
·               There selling efforts are directed towards local and target markets. these activities are design to develop maximum sales.
·               Dividing plans for increasing and maintaing high level of revenue for the company.
·               Coordination for different function with in organization, which are related to customer.
·               Responsibilities for preparation of marketing started
A designing the distribution plans. That how products are delivered to customers.

With tools like advertising Personal selling sales promotion and publicity. the company try too inform the present and potential customers about the product.
Paknet provides internet related product and services to make them useful to large, medium and small businesses. We are especially focused on providing internet services to large and medium business. They include BSL, Dillup etc. The services include designing and installation of network system, training, and support. we carry a complete line of necessary items. We offer after sales and services and contract for services.
Paknet as different type of product for different type of user. so Paknet is offer following products in the market and to user.
1.            DSL
2.            Dialup
3.            Scratch cards
4.            ISDN
5.            Web hosting/Domain Registration
Paknet DSL is broadband service based upon DSL (Digital Subscribers Line) technology. With this technology you can now access the internet over your existing phone line with speed starting from 64 Kbps and going up to a 1.5 Mbps (over 27 times faster than a standard 56 Kbps Modem) while at the same time being able to make a voice call over that same line. One phone line for your whole business, and no additional charges to your phone bill.
This digital service can be used to deliver bandwidth intensive application like streaming audio/ video, online games, application programs, telephone calling, video conferencing and other high bandwidth services.
DSL is a technology for bringing high bandwidth connectivity to homes and businesses over ordinary copper telephone lines. DSL line allows for one line to carry both voice and data signals and for the data part of the line to be continuously connected. DSL achieves higher data transfer rates by utilizing more of the available bandwidth spectrum. Ordinary telephone service only makes use of the 3400 Hz frequency range, which accounts for the 56 Kbps speed limit on standard analog modems. DSL eludes the 3400 Hz frequency boundary by outmoding the digital-to-analog conversion the modems perform and connecting both ends digitally. Hence, larger bandwidth is available, allowing higher transfer rates. There are various forms of DSL such as ADSL, VDSL, SDSL etc which are grouped together as ADSL.
Dial up is one of major product of Paknet. Paknet is earning approximately 5 Million revenue per month from Dial up, which shows that it is the most selling product of the company.

This is prepaid product, customer buy internet hours against different packages. ---MB space is given to the customer with dial up free of cost.

Packages are categories on limited and unlimited basis. Different packages are as follows:-

DIAL-UP Internet Service Packages
Package Name
Duration of usage
Hourly Rate
(Min. Deposit Rs.250/-)
Rs. 10/hr
(Min. Deposit Rs.200/-)
8 am to 5 pm
Rs. 10/hr

5 pm to 2 am
Rs. 15/hr

2 am to 8 am
Rs. 5/hr

50 hrs/30days
Rs. 9/hr
Rs. 450/-
100 hrs/30days
Rs. 8/hr
Rs. 800/-

Dedicated Dialup Port )with static IP
Rs. 3,000/month

Regular Unlimited
Rs. 1,499/month

Day Unlimited
Rs. 999/month

Package Name
Net Asaish (24 hr - No expiry)

Rs. 15
Rs. 13
Rs. 10
Rs. 8
Net Professional (8 am - 8 pm -No expiry)

Rs. 13
Rs. 8
Rs. 7
101 + hrs
·               ISDN provide speed up to 64 kbps and 128 kbps with low cost.
·               64 kbp supports a networks of 20-30 user while 128 kbps
·               supports a networks of 30-50 user logged to internet at the same time
·               our new low pricing strategy(yet giving margin)
·               ISDN big plus point is its ability to get connected with out keeping the phone busy.
·               Its slower then DSL


  • Many student and female teenagers are not wiling to invest a fix amount in dial up and other monthly packages
  • As this suit there using pattern and they can buy it form retail store
  • Lowest denomination cards are being sold at Rs 10 and which is most popular
  • Due this there is no such a lode on system
  • Different packages are given on the cards.

There are to selling modes of Dial up that are:-
  • Dealers’ network
  • Customer care Center
Dial up is sale at Paknet Customer Care Centers which are located all over Pakistan. However for wider network and to facilitate customer dealership is given at various places. Paknet has around 110 Dial up dealers across the country. Different commission slabs are offered to the dealers. Free internet account is also given to dealers as an incentive. However more dial up is sale through walk-in through CSC. 70% Dial up is sale through CSC and 30% through Dealers.

Company promoted Dial up by displaying posters; banners and buntings etc. Different rewards schemes are launched for customers and dealers from time to time for promotion and publicity.

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