Monday, 10 October 2011

Child Labour (Research report) Chapter-6

1.                  Free education should be provided to the poor students throughout the country.
2.                  Education upto primary level should be made compulsory for children.
3.                  To establish the evening or night schools for working children.
4.                  Recreation and attraction shall be encourage in the schools for children.
5.                  To overcome unemployment, job opportunities should be provided to unemployed people, with reasonable salaries that they may not send their children for labour.
6.                  Vocational training centers should be opened in areas to enable the people to get technical training.
7.                  The wages should be enough to satisfy the needs of the common people.
8.                  Childlabour should be immediately stopped.
9.                  Regular medical checkup of children on monthly basis should be made compulsory.
10.              Working places should be well ventilated.
11.              The United Nation should established free primary school educational institution for the children in the less developed countries of the world.
12.              The scholar and columnist should write effective and influential articles on the issue child labour.
13.              Poverty should be control, because as the level of poverty increases, the first victims of this sociological disaster are children.
14.              The gap between poor and rich should be eliminate and the rich are suppose to take pity and to helped their country’s poor people.
15.              Government should provide securities for the poor people residential areas, to stop the kidnapping of their poor innocent children for unfair means.

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