Monday, 10 October 2011

Child Labour (Research report) Chapter-4

Conclusion & Findings
            We conclude that the first sociological victims that leads towards child labour is “Extreme poverty”. So where there in the World this victims of sociological disaster existed, small and innocent children will work, and as this victims increases the child labour will also be increases. We know that children are the beauty of nature the future builders of the nation, but his victims destroying all of their ideal capabilities i.e. mental and physical in a very early stage of their lives due to heaviest bundle of responsibility, to support their families, by their minor earnings. According UNDP, “Poverty report 2000” 46% of Pakistanis fall prey to “Overall poverty” it further states that 27% of the Pakistani population is in “extreme poverty” so it prove that the Pakistan child labour is due to “extreme poverty”.
Beside this we also conclude some other causative factors of child labours in Pakistan, these can be explained one by one: -
1.         Poverty
It is a generally acceptable proposition that poverty is the main reason for which the children are forced to work. Thus income is necessary for the survival of their family members and also for themselves. Poverty forces parents to send their children for employment.
2.         Inadequate Education
Education always play a vital role in the socio-economic and cultural development of any society. Primary education is compulsory and it is free in most developed countries of the world. But unfortunately in Pakistan there is no such facility available for children. Getting education needs money and every person cannot affored it or cannot spend money on it. As a result many parents prefer to send their children to work rather than to school.
3.         Large families size
As a result of large family size people cannot provide even the basic needs to their children. As a result in the very early of their life or at the time when a child has to play, his/her parents send him/her to work for few rupees.
4.         Cheap source of labour
The employers find it easier to employ children than adults. Since they feel that the children do not join unions to fight for their rights or they can be easily suppressed, and they are paid minimum wage i.e. R 30 to 60 rupees per week for their long (i.e. 5 to 10 hrs) hours of work.
5.         Lack of implementation of existing laws
A major obstacle in the eradication of child labour is the lack of implementation of existing laws. While unfortunately most of the laws are outdated which we inherited from the British regime
6.         Defective plans and program of development
Looking at the various plans and programes of development and particularly focussing our attention on educational policies for the tribal children, we find that the objective are not very successful. Experiences shows that very negligible percentage of the tribal children get admitted into primary schools and majority of them drop-out after continuing therefore a year or two (According to “Frontier Post, March 28, 2000).
7.         Low wages
In our country many people have low salaries or wages. Although they are full time workers, then too their wages cannot satisfied their needs. As a result many parents send their children to work to get more amount of money, so that they can satisfied their basic needs.
8.         Education is expensive
Education is very expensive in Pakistan, so instead of sending children to school, parents find it profitable to send them to work in the different workshops, etc.

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